
Confotec NR500

Simultaneous/Multifunctional Analysis: Raman measurements Luminiscent measurements Laser Reflection and Transmission Measurements 3D high-contrast images in reflected light 3D Raman confocal measurements Information about spectral and polarization propertis of a sample


1. Simultaneous/Multifunctional Analysis:
>  Raman measurements
>  Luminiscent measurements
>  Laser Reflection and Transmission Measurements
>  3D high-contrast images in reflected light
>  3D Raman confocal measurements
>  Information about spectral and polarization propertis of a sample

2. Spatial resolution:
>  horizontal up to 200 nm
>  axial up to 500 nm

3. Wide spectral range:
>  785nm: spectral range 50 - 3700cm-1
>  633nm: spectral range 60 - 6700cm-1
>  488nm: spectral range 150 - 10000cm-1

4. Simultaneous use of up to 5 lasers by switching over the components inside the system.

5. The scanning system provides, alongside with point-to-point scanning, fast scanning (1000x1000 pixel per 3 seconds) of a specimen with PMT signal registration. The scanning area: 130x130 µm

6. Specially designed monochromator-spectrograph with unique parameters:
 >  spectral resolution up to 0.006 nm
 >  astigmatism less than 5 µm

7. Use of inverted and upright microscopes is possible.

8. Telescope with variable magnification for adapting laser beams to entrance pupils of microobjectives from 3 to 12 mm.

9. Polarized measurements.

10. High sensitivity at low power of laser excitation (from µW to mW).

11. Reflection module for simultaneous obtaining of 3D image in reflected light.

12. Transmission measurements option.

13. Fully automated control of the system.

14. High temporal and temperature stability is provided by modular rigid and rod design.

15. No fiber optics that decrease some optical parameters (transmission, wave front, polarization).

16. Ring illumination for combination with AFM.


SOL instruments: спектрометр, рамановский микроскоп, эмиссионный спектрометр. Graph_1 

Signal decrease from 90 % to 10 % at 200 nm,  λ=514 nm, 100Х immersion lens
SOL instruments: спектрометр, рамановский микроскоп, эмиссионный спектрометр. Graph_2
Resolution along Z-axis.
The reflection from silicon wafer, obtained by moving the objective lens along the Z axis.
FW HW - 442 nm, λ=488 nm, 100x objective lens.

SOL instruments: спектрометр, рамановский микроскоп, эмиссионный спектрометр. Graph_3

Specially designed monochromator-spectrograph with unique parameters:
spectral resolution up to 0.006 nm, astigmatism less than 5 µm.
Absolute wavelength accurasy: about 0.016 nm
(for grating 2400 l/mm).
Pinhole spectral image at CCD camera.
Pixel size: 12 µm.
Pinhole size: 12 µm. Image size: 1.5 pixel


 SOL instruments: спектрометр, рамановский микроскоп, эмиссионный спектрометр. Graph_4

Raman spectrum of Si wafer. Si (4) peak is clearly detected. Si (1) and Si (2) are in deep saturation. Confocal mode. Accumulation time - 60 seconds. 
488 nm laser, 5 mW power


>  Biosciense 
study of living cells cancerous pre-cancerous tissues, DNA, cytological investigations

>  Material science
investigation of physical structure and chemical composition of semiconductors, thin films and other materials and structures

>  Nanotechnology
study of physical properties of new carbonic nanomaterials such as graphene and nanotubes, determination of stress and deformation, estimation of structural order

>  Geoscience
identification of minerals, detection of sample components distribution and their phases; jewels characterization and inclusions determination

>  Heritage and Art
Non-destructive identification of different findings in the result of archeological excavations, identification of pigments, undercoatings on pictures, icons, wall paintings, ceramics

>  Organic chemistry
study of chemical reaction mechanisms

>  Polymer chemistry
coating technological process monitoring, investigation of polymer materials , including thin films

>  Pharmaceutical
determination of distribution of pharmaceutical ingredients in drugs, raw material identification , monitoring and controlling of manufacturing processes

>  Cosmetology
ointment, cream investigations as well as their penetration capability

>  Forensic science
identification of unknown substances, different types of fibers, glass, paints , explosive materials, narcotic and toxic substances


Spatial resolutions

Laser Objective lens:
magnification and numerical aperture NA
XY Spatial resolution Z Spatial resolution
488 nm 100X, NA = 0.95 295 nm 450 nm
633 nm 100X, NA = 0.95 395 nm 590 nm
785 nm 100X, NA = 0.95 560 nm 750 nm


Spectral range for Raman spectra detection: 30 cm -1 ~ 6000 cm -1 
(depends on the wavelength of the excitation laser)
Spectral resolution: 0,25 cm-1 (75 l/mm Echelle grating)
Sensitivity: peak of the 4th order of the Raman spectrum of Si is detected within 1 min
Modes of scanning: - Fast mapping: scanning of a laser beam along the surface of a sample with XY galvanoscanner

- shifting a sample with XY motorized scanning stage near a fixed laser beam

- combined mode for fast obtaining panoramic images with high spatial resolution: XY scanner (Fast mapping) + motorized microscope stage
Maximum scanning field size in the "Fast mapping" mode: XY 150 х 150 μm (with objective lens 100х)
Period of registration for one frame 150 х 150 μм in the "Fast mapping" mode: 3 s. / 1001 х 1001 pixels
PC control: fully automated


*Type, model: inverted Nikon Ti-S and upright Nikon Ni-U
Motorized scanning stage: automated
- travel range 114 х 75 mm
- accuracy (1 mm of shift) 0.06 μm
- XY repeatability ± 1 μm
- minimal step 0.02 μm
Micro objective lens: 100х NA-0.95
40х NA-0.75
20х NA-0.50 and other
Z-scanner: piezo scanner
- objective translation range 80 μm
- objective translation step 50 nm
- repeatability < 6 nm
High-resolution digital video camera: digital color CCD camera
- sensor 1/2", 2048 x 1536 pixels
- ADC 10 bit, speed 12 frames/s
Laser radiation delivery: three-position turret

* other types of inverted or upright microscopes available

Optical-mechanical unit (OMU)

Optimized optics for spectral range: 325 - 1050 nm (UV-VIS-NIR)
400 - 1100 nm (VIS-NIR)
Laser radiation delivery: triple- and quintuple input port
Laser beam attenuator: automated unit with VND filter, 0 - 3D
Polarizers (excitation channel) and 
analyzer (detection channel):
Glan-Taylor prism (automated unit)
Laser beam expander: automated vario telescope, magnification factor 1.0 – 4.0x
Half-wave (λ/2) plate positioner: automated three- / five-postion
Raman filter positioner: automated three- / five-postion

Interference filter positioner:

automated six-position
Pre-pinhole objective lens positioner: automated three-coordinated (X, Y, Z)

Imaging Monochromator-Spectrograph MS5004i

Optical configuration: vertical
Focal length: 520 mm
Magnification: 1.0 vertical,
1.0 horizontal
Vertical spatial resolution: < 20 μm
Flat field size: 28 х 5 mm
Stray light: 1 х 10-5 (20 nm from laser line 633 nm)
Diffraction grating unit: automated four-position turret
Spectral resolution:
(wavelength 500 nm, CCD pixel 12 x 12 μm)
0.25 cm-1 (Echelle grating 75 l/mm)
0.9 cm-1 (grating 1800 l/mm)
Spectral slits:  
- entrance automated confocal pinhole, smoothly regulated from 0 to 1.5 mm
- output automated, smoothly regulated from 0 to 2 mm
Ports: 1 input, 2 output
Output ports switching: automated output mirror

 Spectral camera for spectrograph

Type: digital CCD camera
Sensor type: back-thinned CCD sensor
2048 х 122 pixels
Pixel size: 12 x 12 μm
Pixel area size: 24.576 x 1.464 mm (width x height)
Spectral response range: from 200 to 1100 nm
Cooling with temperature stabilization: two-stage Peltier element, min – 45 °С
ADC: 16 bit
Sensivity: 1 photon for 1 ADC reading (at the max. sensivity of 650 nm)
Dynamic range: not less than 10 000

Fast scanning unit X, Y

Scanners: galvanometer scanners with X, Y mirrors
Scanning modes: raster high-speed and start-stop
Positioning accuracy: 30 nm
Scanning area: 150 μm х 150 μm (with 100Х objective lens)
Scanning speed: 3 s/frame 1001 х 1001 pixels

Unit of confocal laser microscope

Pre-pinhole objective lens positioner: automated three-coordinate (X, Y, Z)
Confocal pinhole: automated confocal pinhole, smoothly regulated from 0 to 1.5 mm
Detector: Hamamatsu Photosensor module H6780-01


Type of laser: Up to 5 lasers can be used simultaneously
  Wavelength, nm Output power, mW
He-Cd Laser (Single Mode (TEM00) He-Cd): 325 15, 30, 40, 50
Diode-pumped Laser (DPSS): 473 25, 50
Diode-pumped Laser (DPSS): 532 25, 50
He-Ne Laser: 633 10
Diode-pumped laser (DPSS): 785 80
  Using of other types of lasers with wavelength from 350 to 850 nm is possible

 SOL instruments: спектрометр, рамановский микроскоп, эмиссионный спектрометр. Fig.1. Confotec NR500